Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Movie Trailers: 'Taken 2', 'Cloud Atlas' and the Last James Bond 'Skyfall' Clip I'll Watch

Skyfall, the next film in the Daniel Craig as James Bond era doesn't drop until November, 2012. But the new trailer has already sold me completely. (Who am I kidding'it was more like, 'Hey, starring Daniel Cra'' SOLD!) But here's the rub'these insane trailers drop, and then we wait for like 3-4 years, and by the time the movie drops, there's 12 more trailers, each one progressively more dumbed down and 'America's Got Talent'-ified. So come release day, I've seen 75% of the movie, 99% of the action scenes, and that's not okay.
So, as I did with Dark Knight Rises, and Harry Potter 7.2, and Prometheus'I'll enjoy this Skyfall trailer, and just wait it out for 4 months.
We know Bond fakes his death, Javier Bardem plays the baddie with a horrific blond bowl cut (but still not as bad as Bardem's No Country For Old Men bowl cut), there are hot ethnic love interests, and the new gadget tech Q is played by Ben Whishaw (who I loved in the BBC series, The Hour, and who stars in the upcoming Cloud Atlas too).

Do you think Skyfall (directed by Road to Perdition's Sam Mendes) can make up for that annoying Quantum of Solace and get back to Casino Royale status?
In other movie trailer news:
Check out the ridiculous Taken 2 trailer'Hey, Liam Neeson, your family is very abduction-prone: (
And the overwhelming Cloud Atlas trailer'Tom Hanks x Halle Berry'Really?
Watch after the jump

(James Bond's gadget guru, Q: played by Ben Whishaw)

(a comparison of Javier Bardem's horrifying haircuts: Skyfall vs No Country For Old Men)

Taken 2: Liam Neeson has to save his wife and child again. But now the daughter has gone from bimbo-bait to action hero? No! (Especially since I still have a grudge against actress Maggie Grace for being the most annoying character on LOST)

Cloud Atlas: Based on a very complex book about the interconnectedness of the universe. The Tom Hanks x Halle Berry film looks interesting but with producers The Wachowskis it could either be a mess or a visual feast. The Wachowskis used to be the Wachowski Brothers, back when they made The Matrix. Then one of them had a sex change, and now its Andy and Lana Wachowski. Lana is actually making a rare appearance to talk about Cloud Atlas, with her bro, and the director Tom Twyker.

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'Dark Night Rises', 'Prometheus', 'The Dictator' and More Movie Trailer Teases


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