Thursday, June 21, 2012

Kim Kardashian Blushes to Oprah on New Relationship with Kanye West


(Photo Credit: Stéphane Feugère)

While they've been kept quiet and to themselves, 1/2 of KimYe opened up on their new relationship on 'Oprah's Next Chapter.' In a preview from the second part of her interview with Oprah, Kim Kardashian was asked 'Is Kanye West the new fairytale?' to which the reality tv star blushed and spoke on the history of their friendship. Kim speaks on the similarities the two pop culture figures have and what took so long to transition from friends, to a healthy dating relationship.

'We met maybe almost a decade ago, I've known him for a really long time, we've been friends for like six or seven years, so it's very comforting to have someone that knows everything about you that respects you, understands, has gone through similar things. I can really relate to his mother passing, he can really relate to my father passing. I mean, there's so many similarities in our life that I feel like I'm at a really happy, good space. I don't know why it took so long for us to kind of get together,' Kim said. 'But I think I needed to go through all my experiences and some that he's gone through.

The full interview aires on Oprah's OWN network on Sunday night, watch the preview below'..

Previously: Kanye West Debuts 'Cruel Summer' Short Film at Cannes Film Festival

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